Toasted Pumpkin Seeds with Wakame
When you are in the mood for a crunchy, salty something, this snack will hit the spot! Each small pumpkin seed contains within it everything it needs to grow into a full pumpkin. That is one reason why seeds are considered nutrient dense power foods. Wakame, a sea vegetable, is filled minerals that support nervous system balance.
1 cup raw pumpkin seeds
1 handful of wakame, or more to taste. (I use Emerald Cove’s Ready to Use Pacific Wakame.)
1 teaspoon tamari sauce, add more to taste.
1. Preheat a cast iron skillet at medium heat for 1 minute.
2. Add pumpkin seeds and stir occasionally for 3-5 minutes. Listen closely for when the seeds begin to pop. After the 3 or 4th popping sound turn off the heat.
3. Sprinkle tamari sauce over the seeds and mix well.
4. Once the mixture cools, stir in the wakame.